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Of course, it would still be possible to write about how to “drive” instead, i.e., about the practices of shamanism. However, I don’t really like that idea either, because, for your own safety, shamanism should generally only be learned under the supervision of another shaman. Besides, there are many resources and courses available. And I might also myself be willing to give a free crash course to anyone I like enough. (Again, anyone who’d like to give that a shot should feel free to contact me.) Granted, there are some concepts which could be useful for non-shamans to know about, such as power animals and whatnot, but they’re very far away from a Western understanding of how the world works, and thus hard to explain properly. So I just don’t feel very comfortable writing about the practice of shamanism before I understand the mechanisms of why it works myself. I hope to gain enough insight to do that soon, though I might need help from others to get there.
Yours sincerely,
Kelly Rodriguez