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For that reason, I’m not really in a position to personally judge his work. All I’m in a position to say about him, is that I have to respect his commitment and dedication, and that I’m sure his work has the power to inspire generations to come. While I’m not sure he managed to fully bring the ancient wisdom to Sápmi on his own, I’m sure he did manage to plant many of the seeds that needed to be sown. Perhaps they will turn out to be important for the things that are to come. (And the way things are going with our planet right now, perhaps those things will come uncomfortably soon. Why is it so hard for humanity to learn?)
Thanks for telling me about Ailo Gaup. I was able to find his old website and had an interesting time reading his texts and the comments from a myriad of people posting there. Unfortunately it came to and end with his disease and then death.
Mr Gaup appeared to be a spiritual soul and a leader, but also a businessman and a most talented communicator. What is your stance on his work?
Best regards,