You can ask me questions here.
- Questions may be asked in English, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Northern Sami, French, or German.
- Anonymous submissions are allowed, but your IP address may be logged (in case a question ever needs to e.g. be reported to the police or something).
- The question queue is moderated. Your question will generally not be published before it is answered.
- If you don’t want your question to be published publicly here, it’s possible to use the Contact form instead (but I make no response guarantees there, and you can’t be anonymous).
- Currently, questions may not contain HTML.
- I may choose to not publish or answer questions that:
- promote disinformation or hate;
- advertise particular products or services;
- contain personal or sensitive information;
- are abusive or of a harassing nature;
- or I’m just not legally allowed to answer.
- I will generally try to answer questions within a few days.
Categories: all (38) | art (1) | climate (1) | cosmos (10) | creativity (1) | intelligence (1) | math (2) | media (1) | sami (2) | shamanism (16) | technology (3)
(2022-02-23 07:14:16),
category: media
Kjære Ove,
Hva synes om farmen i år?
Fra et etisk perspektiv: hvem fortjente egentlig å vinne?
Dessverre har jeg ikke sett på Farmen. Jeg er som regel litt for opptatt med andre oppgaver og prosjekter for tiden til å se TV. Av og til litt synd. Så, beklager at jeg ikke kan svare på dette…