Ove Kåven

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  • I will generally try to answer questions within a few days.

Categories: all (38) | art (1) | climate (1) | cosmos (10) | creativity (1) | intelligence (1) | math (2) | media (1) | sami (2) | shamanism (16) | technology (3)

Jenny L. M. (2021-10-05 16:20:28), category: creativity
Mr Kaven,

How do you go about harnessing your stream of thoughts?

I suppose it depends. Sometimes I’m not very good at it, so that the constant stream of thoughts just distract me. But I find it helps to try to facilitate “flow” as much as possible. To be rested and mostly relaxed, having something sweet to drink, put on some inspirational/energetic music, and telling yourself, it’s time to do this. And if my brain goes along with it, I can then get into that focused state, where the stream of thoughts stop being a distraction, and instead every part of the brain seem to synchronize and work together to accomplish whatever I need to do, whether it’s finding a solution to a difficult problem, learning something new, or creating something interesting. I can’t quite make this happen whenever I want yet, but when it does happen, that’s when I really can focus my thoughts and accomplish interesting things. (And sorry for the late answer.)