Ove Kåven

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Magnus (2021-07-27 04:48:31), category: cosmos
Hello Ove, can I ask your thoughts on multiverse theory?

Cheers Magnus
Scientifically, there’s currently no way to know for sure, but personally I don’t really care much for it. For various reasons, I don’t really believe that’s how the universe works. For example, take “the universe is actually a simulation” hypothesis (which is getting quite popular). Based on my investigations into both modern physics and into spiritual traditions, I too believe the universe isn’t necessarily “real”. But if the universe is a simulation, then that simulation could only handle a finite number of parallel universes (probably only one) at any time, not an infinite multiverse. Thus, at any given time, I think there’s only one “physical” universe like the one we’re living in (although it’s possible that when one universe eventually dies, it gets replaced by another, ad infinitum). But, this one universe can hold more than we think, and it does. Much more.

[Edit] Another reason I want to mention is that the multiverse hypothesis is unfalsifiable (i.e. doesn’t qualify as science). So its main purpose seems to be to allow physicists to avoid certain difficult questions about how the universe works and how it came about. At the moment, it’s not really useful for much else.